Valentina nieuw @ Das buro

Valentina Calvar, een talentvolle derde jaars student aan de Willem de Kooning Academy, is deze week gestart met haar designstage bij Das Buro.

Valentina, is gestart met haar designstage bij Das Buro. Met zowel Argentijnse als Italiaanse roots woont ze al meer dan 3 jaar in Rotterdam. “Choosing Das Buro for my internship, is due to its primary focus on branding” zegt Valentina. “Wishing to dive deeper into this field, Das Buro would allow me to experience this through a multi-disciplinary approach. Allowing me to be able to expand my skills as a designer and gain experience working with individuals of different backgrounds”

“As I designer I value the making process, everything involved from start to end of a project. In my free work I aim to communicate and give attention to topics which are not highly discussed in our current society. Striving to be clear and raise awareness of such topics, since I believe it to be important to uphold an accepting and open-minded mentality. My inspiration mostly derives from design books and my surroundings, where I draw my fascinations from”

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