We think of Dinand as an inspiring human being with an extraordinary talent for telling stories with his music. Not only that, he’s been a fan and friend of the studio from day one. So when he told us about his new project and asked us to participate, we were thrilled to get on board. “I want to do something different, something very personal, that’s why I called you” It was like music to our ears.

The album, “Luck of Birth,” is about perception. How we look at the world, at others, at ourselves. About what we experience, what we fear, and what we can change. We used a cube as a metaphor to symbolize the lens/screen/portal with which we look at the world. It changes our view of things. By distorting, focussing on or hiding parts of the image. The cube connects all artwork, from album artwork to music videos and live performances.

‘Ik ben iemand van lange termijn. Niet naïef, maar trouw aan het vertrouwen in het creatieve proces, trouw aan het vuur, en dat waar je ook begint, het altijd goed komt, zolang je maar niets verwacht. Met Das Buro connect het vanuit de bron. Vanuit dat vuur. En zo komt er altijd iets nieuws, iets fraais, dat opgeteld mij beter maakt in het moment nu en nog belangrijker, representeerd in datzelfde moment.’
Dinand Woesthoff

LyricsDinand Woesthoff
MusicDinand Woesthoff & Peter Kriek